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Defining your Market and Impact Opportunity

Most of us start a business because we see a problem in the world that we think someone should fix. So we step up. We commit. We dream of the impact we can have.

Then reality sets in and we feel overwhelmed and confused as to where to start, how to know we’re headed in the right direction. So instead of trying something new and unknown and getting market feedback, we stall, we talk more than we act. We’ve all been there and it sucks.

In this working session we will look at proven methodologies to get unstuck and define both the impact and market opportunities we want to tackle in our business.

This working session will give you:

  1. A clear methodology to identify your market and impact opportunities

  2. The 4 ingredients needed to write a convincing impact opportunity statement to set your North Star

  3. Tools to design a sustainable business that makes money and has a positive impact on the world

  4. Ways to use a stakeholder mindset to make better business decisions

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Loving your Audience

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Design Your UX Career—Become a Global Operator