Are you a Protagoniste?

We’re supporting UX designers & founders (500+ and counting) who want to build solutions that improve lives.

Is this you?

Social, environmental, and financial profit go together.

More is not always better. Business growth is a decision, not an obligation.

We actively fight racism and all other forms of discrimination.

Design and expertise can exclude or include—we choose inclusion.

The Earth is our primary stakeholder.

All social systems have the potential to be redesigned.

The world needs us to engage.


  • Isabelle Swiderski


  • Ivana Sabo


  • Meaghan Kennedy


  • Daniel Garcia-Alfisi


  • Anne-Marcelle Kouamé


Who are we?

Protagoniste is the education arm of Seven25. We work with designers, entrepreneurs, economic development folks, impact investors, educators, and a community of global individuals working to reinvent the systems that no longer serve us.

We’ve supported over 500 early-stage designers & entrepreneurs and countless organisations in over 20 countries.

We have a bias for learning by doing. Join us

  • Build a global network. Add your expertise to the mix.

  • With peer support, on-demand short courses, and a mastermind group for more advanced folks—we’re building together.

  • Biases, fear, and hatred live in hearts and minds. When we challenge all that, we change the rules.

Where we’ve been

Partner logos Seven25

Some Partners

  • I wouldn’t have been able to flesh out my ideas to build a social enterprise without Protagoniste.

    Anne-Marcelle, Founder (USA + Côte d’Ivoire)

  • My peers’ perspectives from a global view helped me see where I wanted to go beyond the boundaries of a much smaller footprint.

    Elizabeth, Founder (USA)

  • The depth and usefulness of the sessions were second to none I’ve attended. The facilitators were warm, welcoming, and encouraging.

    Alexia, Founder & workshop attendee (Canada)

  • I think for me the most valuable is just being able to hear from other people and the coaching we get—I was so blown away by what we are able to achieve.

    Florence, Founder (USA + Ghana)

A space to meet global peers and apply new skills.